What Is a Well-Ventilated Environment?
Turning on the air con isn’t considered as ventilation, even if it is not centralized.

We wouldn't doubt the ventilation outdoors but sometimes, we may have questions whether our home or office is well-ventilated enough for plants.
Having air con isn’t considered as ventilation, even if it is not centralized and it is from a reputable brand. Next to an open window (natural air getting in and out) will be better ventilation for plants.
Some plants are very sensitive to air ventilation. Plants like Areca Palm, Radermachera hainanensis Merr and Fiddle Leaf Fig particularly prefers natural air and they will be healthier in well-ventilated areas.
However, our offices and malls are mostly air-coned. Scale insects may be found on plants like Pachira Macrocarpa and Radermachera hainanensis Merr. Pest control is important. The air con also makes the the area quite dry, the watering pattern should be tuned. (related topics: How to Do Pest Control; The Best Watering Practice)
Photo Credit:
Alistair Macrobert on Unsplash